Teacher Leadership

Our Mission

The mission of the Teacher Leadership program is to foster and develop a meaningful, useful, and collaborative environment where each team player's role in the MFL MarMac system is enhanced in order to not only meet but exceed the needs of our students to achieve excellence in every classroom!

  • Resource Sharing
  • Technology Troubleshooting
  • Support for Classroom Initiatives
  • Participation in ObserveMe Opportunities
  • Mentor for Routines / Answering Questions
  • Formative & Summative Assessment Design
  • Curriculum Planning - Lesson / Unit Design
  • Classroom Management
  • Community Building
  • Instructional Strategies
  • Facilitation and Participation in Learning Labs
  • Mentoring for Professional Growth
  • Co-Teaching / Modeling
  • Tech Integration
  • Enhanced Teaching Conversations
  • Social-Emotional Support
  • Networking
TLC Mission graphic

Instructional coaches offer support to staff to plan, model, and co-teach lessons. Coaches support the implementation of effective instructional strategies.

Coverage of classrooms to allow teachers to see and learn from other teachers is also among the services provided by coaches.


Teacher Librarian, Work-Based Learning Coordinator
Instructional Coach
Literacy Intervention
Instructional Coach
4th/5th Grade Interventions, 4th/5th Computer Science, Instructional Coach, HS Girls Wrestling Head Coach
Instructional Coach
Mathematics, Special Education
Instructional Coach

Mentor teachers support teachers who are new to the profession or new to teaching in Iowa. Their duties include collaborating with mentor teachers to develop expertise and delivery of specific content areas of the Iowa Core, and to be a resource for new and career teachers in the district.

With the use of TLC resources, MFL MarMac is able to implement a well-defined mentoring and induction program, intensive supervision for mentees, opportunities for peer observations, and ongoing professional development.


9-12 Professional School Counselor
Mentor Teacher
Mentor Teacher
Mentor Teacher
Special Education, Assistant Principal
Mentor Teacher
Language Arts
Mentor Teacher
Language Arts
Mentor Teacher
Special Education, Social Studies
Mentor Teacher
Mathematics, Athletic Director, Assistant Soccer Coach
Mentor Teacher
Mentor Teacher
Social Studies, Assistant HS Cross Country
Mentor Teacher
Physical Education, Health, 8th Grade Volleyball, MS Girls Track
Mentor Teacher
5th Grade, Stu Crew
Mentor Teacher

Co-Educators demonstrate instructional strategies, conference with classroom teachers, and participate in model teacher collaboration teams to develop expertise.

"Co-Educators: Encouraging the sharing and collaboration of all!"


Science, Head Football Coach, Interventionist, Weightroom, Driver's Education Instructor
Physical Education, Head HS Wrestling Coach, Driver's Education Instructor
Social Studies, Assistant Football Coach
Special Education
Art, Talented & Gifted
5th Grade, Activities Director, 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach, Assistant Golf Coach
4th Grade, 7th Grade Girls Basketball, MS Cross Country
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Spanish, MS Wrestling Coach
Physical Education, Head Golf Coach

Roles within the TLC program

MFL MarMac Community School District • Teacher Leadership Job Descriptions

Utilize your TLC program – “Alone we are smart; together we are BRILLIANT!” --STEVEN ANDERSON