- Identify health concerns through assessments and observations.
- Provide health care counseling or guidance to students, families, and staff.
- Conduct care coordination including case management, chronic disease management, care planning, and assistance in finding a medical home or other health care providers.
- Provide medication management.
- Provide health screenings, referrals, and follow-up.
- Ensure immunization compliance and coordination of other health mandates according to state requirements.
- Provide health education, promotion, and disease prevention.
"The role of a professional school nurse advances the well-being, academic success, and the lifelong achievement of students. School nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development; promote health and safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems; provide case management services; and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy, and learning."

Emily Meyer
District Nurse
- District, Elementary School, High School
- 563-539-6400 ext. 140
- Email Emily

Jennelle Schroeder
Medicaid Nurse Coordinator
- District
- 563-539-6400
- Email Mrs. Schroeder

Julie Wolff
Nurse Associate
- Middle School
- 563-873-2250
- Email Julie
The Menactra (meningitis) vaccine is required for students enrolling in 7th and 12 grades.
The Iowa Department of Public Health made changes to the Iowa Immunization Law beginning with the start of the 2017-18 school year. This change requires Meningococcal (A,C,W,Y) vaccine for all students enrolling in 7th and 12th grades in addition to previous vaccination requirements. Students entering 7th grade will also need the Tdap booster (pertussis/whooping cough).
*For students entering 7th grade (born after September 15, 2004), they will be required to have one dose of meningococcal vaccine (after the age of 10) to enter school.
*For students entering 12th grade (born after September 15, 1999), they will be required to have two doses of meningococcal vaccine to enter school, or one dose if received when the student was 16 years of age or older.
There is no grace/extension period for this new vaccine requirement, what this means is that the law requires students be excluded from school if they have not received the immunization by the first day of school.
Please contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible to schedule these vaccinations. As a reminder please have your provider send an updated immunization record to school OR bring the updated record to school prior to the start of the school year.
If questions contact your school’s health office or read additional Meningococcal Vaccine Secondary School Requirement information or Frequently asked Questions about this new requirement.
This No Shot, No School video is another helpful resource.
Students may be required to take prescription and/or over-the-counter medication during the school day. Medication shall be administered by the school nurse, or in the nurse's absence, by a person who has successfully completed an administration of medication course reviewed by the Board of Pharmacy Examiners. A record of course completion will be maintained by the school district. All medication must be kept in a secured area of the nurse's office. The exception is for students who have demonstrated competence in administering their medication for asthma or other airway constricting illnesses. These students may possess and self-administer the required medication provided an annual self-administration of medication form is completed and on file in the health office.
Prescription medication will not be administered without the completed Medication Permission Form from the health care provider that includes parental signature. All prescription medication must be in the original container which is labeled by the pharmacy or the manufacturer, with the name of the child, name of the medication, the time of day when it is to be given, the dosage and the duration. When administration of the medication requires ongoing professional health judgment, an individual health plan will be developed by the licensed health personnel, the student, and the student's parents. A written record of the administration of medication procedure must be kept for each child receiving medication including; the date, student's name, prescriber or person authorizing the administration, the medication and its dosage, the name, signature and title of the person administering the medication, the time and method of administration, and any unusual circumstances, actions or omissions. Administration of medication records shall be kept confidential.
A limited selection of over-the-counter medications will be available and administered as needed for students in PreK-12 grades based on student self-assessment. Students who request over-the-counter medication must have written approval from their parent or guardian on file with the school nurse before the student can receive the non-prescribed medication. Annual written parent/guardian approval is required. Parent/guardian contact will not be made by the person administering the medication prior to administration unless requested in advance. An administration log of over-the-counter medication will be maintained at each school. Emergency protocol for medication-related reactions will be in place.
Periodically parents ask what criteria are used to notify parents that their child was in the health office during the course of the school day. Not every child that comes to the health office is seen by the school nurse and students often come to the health office to rest with minor headaches, stomachaches and to take ice packs for bumps and bruises. When it is apparent a child has a significant health problem, every attempt will be made to contact a parent/guardian but you will not be called each time your child is in the health office.
A significant health problem would include the following situations:
· A child who is vomiting
· A child with recurrent diarrhea stools
· A child with a fever 101 or higher
· A child with difficulty breathing
· A child sustaining an injury or other illness that may require medical attention
· A child with a health concern that does not allow them to perform in the classroom similar to their peers per teacher report
· Parent will always be contacted before administering any over-the-counter medications as per school policy
Students will be playing outside during recess and physical education classes and we encourage students to engage in all types of activities. Exercise and a break from class have been proven of benefit for children in many ways both physically and mentally. Similar to outdoor play at home, students here also experience minor bumps, bruises, and scrapes while playing and parents will not be notified of every incident. In most cases we will try our best to contact you if your child experiences a significant bump on the head or face. In the event your child has special health care considerations, this will be taken into account and staff will be instructed on proper procedure via a written Healthcare Plan.
Please understand that with the number of students visiting the health office in a given day it is impossible to contact every parent and may cause problems for some to be repeatedly contacted while at work. We also have non-medical personnel working with students who can not be expected to make medical decisions so often it is a judgment call.
The health and safety of our students is our primary concern and we will do everything possible to keep this a priority in our schools. Together we will continue to work to make our schools a healthy and safe learning environment for all. Feel free to contact your school's nurse if you have any questions.
Students desiring to participate in athletic activities or enrolling in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten shall have a physical examination by a licensed health care provider and provide proof of such an examination to the school district. Athletic physicals and fees for participation in 7-12 sports are due on or before the first day of practice. Forms are available in all school offices, during registration, and online.
There is a risk of being injured that is inherent in all sports. That risk of injury may be severe, including the risk of fractures, brain injuries, paralysis or even death. Because of recent lawsuits around the nation all schools in Iowa are being asked to notify all parents of such risks and make available movies of such injuries for all parents to watch. In addition, all parents must sign a student's participation and parental form (available at the schools) before their son/daughter will be able to participate.
- Athletic Physical Form
- Insurance Waiver & Athletic Policy Form
- Concussion Form
- Kindergarten Physical Form
Vision screening is conducted annually for students in grades Kindergarten through 5 and in 7th grade. Hearing screening is conducted for students in grades pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, 1st, 2nd & 7th. Students in other grades with previous known losses, new students and some special education students also are checked.
If you do NOT want your child to be screened for vision or hearing, it is your responsibility to notify the school nurse or principal in writing before the screening takes place.
Screening for height, weight, and body mass index will also be conducted. You will be notified if your child does not satisfactorily pass a screening test.
Again, if you do not wish your child to participate in height/weight/body mass index screenings, parent or guardian must notify either the school nurse or principal in writing at the beginning of each school year. If we do not hear from you, this is considered your consent for participation.