Special Mtg. Minutes- 9-05-2023


MFL MarMac Community School

Special Meeting

September 5, 2023


The MFL MarMac Special Meeting of the Board of Directors was held on September 5, 2023, in the Learning Commons of the Monona Schoolhouse.


Vice President, Roberta Hass, called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.  Members present at roll call were Collin Stubbs, Dr. Jonathon Moser, Tonya Meyer (via telephone due to work) and Gina Roys (via telephone due to vacation).    Also present were Tim Dugger; Superintendent, and Karla Hanson; Board Secretary.


Motion made by Dr. Moser, seconded by Collin Stubbs, to approve the agenda as stated.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Collin Stubbs, seconded by Dr. Moser, to approve one lane change – Brandon Burke BA to BA15.  The motion was unanimously carried.


Motion by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Jon Moser, to approve the transfer of $94,080.00 from General Fund to PPEL Fund to correct a coding error for federal connectivity grant received in FY23, but expended in FY22.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Collin Stubbs to approve the contracts as follows:


Contracts:           Heather Bettman, Elementary Paraprofessional

Erika Lenth, Small Group Speech Coach

Bret Corlett, MS Girl’s Wrestling Coach

Resignations:     Kaleb Krzyszton, HS Band Teacher

Karen Suddendorf, HS Vocal Teacher

Ed Meggers, Custodian


Motion carried unanimously.

REPORTS:  Superintendent, Tim Dugger, stated that school will be closed on Friday, September 8, 2023, for the funeral of Jason Winter, girls basketball coach; son of former secretary, Mary Winter; husband of teacher, Kelly Winter; father-in-law of teacher, Kiersten Winter; and brother of staff member, Jackie McGeough.  Grau Funeral Home, the Division of Criminal Investigations and Jason’s church will be working with the appropriate school staff to plan for the funeral.


The next meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on September 18, 2023, in the Monona Schoolhouse Learning Commons.


Vice President Hass adjourned the special meeting at 12:03 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Karla Hanson

Board Secretary/Treasurer