SIAC Committee Meeting Minutes January 7, 2019

Location: High School Learning Commons

Attendance: Tamara Butikofer, Tasha Fritz, Emily Welper, Niki Guese, Amanda Meyer, Will Koether, Jesse Breuer, Tyler Trappe, Marlene Franzen, Myah Davis, Breanna Knickerbocker, Megan Budde, Emma Ammons, Skylar Moser, Kathy Koether, Denise Mueller, Jen Wilwert, Darla Keehner, Melissa Haberichter, Larry Meyer


  1. Reviewed last meeting’s minutes and meeting agenda.
  2. Open discussion:
    1. Mock drill for intruders (active-shooting) is wanted by some high school students. Would require lots of planning. Students would like to practice blockading. Reinforcement of training is needed at middle school and high school for students. How would people handle the high school learning commons? Evacuation information needs to be provided to parents.
      • Safety Committee update will be on the next SIAC meeting agenda. (Safety Committee is meeting Jan. 9)
  3. Early Childhood Update: 3 year olds 8-11:15 Wednesdays/Fridays (2 sections), 4 year olds Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays—full day (3 sections, maximum of 20 students/section). Students are gradually introduced to academics (counting, letters) and work on social skills, being in a routine, and following expectations. 4 year olds are able to ride the bus. Kathy Koether shared the desk-audit for the state and showed the Gold Assessments needed to be documented twice per year per student. Our preschool has reached a 5 star status for QRS and will need to be renewed this spring. Junior Kindergarten is provided for younger 5 year olds and 16 students are in the class this year.
    1. It’s a benefit to have the day care/elementary and high school connected. Child development is able to observe all age levels. High school students are able to work with elementary students. High school students recognize the fact they are role models to the younger students.
    2. The Dr. Smith Center and The Little Bulldog Center are governed by the same board.
    3. It would be cool if our younger students could be introduced to foreign language.
  4. Next meeting will have a Safety Committee update, CTE update, update on how the school is working with community partners (business, agriculture, culture, etc.), facilities update, and discuss community service projects by the school. Next meeting will be at the end of February/beginning of March.