Attendance: Jen Wilwert, Jessica Peterson, Heidi Meyer, Erik Peterson, Ryan Martindale, Brent Pape, Larry Meyer, Dale Crozier, Trent Miene, Melissa Haberichter, Kathy Koether, Crystal Thurn, Kadence Pape, Lauren Haberichter, Josie Kleinow, Ali Crogan, Sierra Wiebensohn, Hope McGlaughlin, Micah Decker, Skylar Moser, Brenna Boland, Nick Gonzalez, Alex McNally, Ben Miene, Julie Lenth, and Chelbe Feuerhelm
- Jen reviewed the minutes of last SIAC meeting on February 9, 2017.
- Technology: The Clarity Survey looks at the trends for classroom use, access, skills, and environment. According to the survey results, MFL MarMac’s access is high, our skills (foundational and multi-media) are growing, the environment attitude has decreased slightly, and the overall classroom use has not increased over a four-year time period. The focus of technology use in the classroom should be centered on critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication.
- Suggestions from students:
- Do computer lessons (such as short-cuts, interactive software) in study halls for large numbers of students
- Require a computer apps class
- Computers are ‘boring’ if used all class period
- Slide shows, searching, and writing papers are used frequently
- Middle school has Skyped authors
- Will help 11th graders with papers in Mr. Thompson’s class? A good topic to revisit a year from now. Does the technology enhance/improve writers?
- Deep-thinking versus knowledge–based questions may need to be reviewed with staff. Students commented how much harder it is to answer opinion questions that they are not able to look up.
- This goal will be revisited again next school year.
- Suggestions from students:
- Facilities: There is a sports complex study group looking at gym space. Elementary bathrooms are still being looked at and will be addressed first. Interior signage has helped. The school district is working with the city of Monona for new signage making it clear where the school is located. The Bulldog sign by the water tower will be changed with the new logo. ALL latches in all bathrooms need to be looked at. This summer baseball field lights will be installed. Unused items will be sorted and possibly auctioned this summer.
- The Explore Expansion of Curriculum goal is too vague and it is suggested it needs to be dropped as an official goal. The school board could edit the official document. Add instead “Create opportunities and resources to support diversity, mental health issues and social issues within the school.”
- How can mental health supported in our district? Should we re-establish peer helpers at the high school level?
- Other topics or new member suggestions are to be emailed to Jessica Peterson. A suggestion was to create a SIAC email address or online suggestion box to allow people to send suggestions or questions via the internet to help improve our school district.