Board Minutes – 8-13-2018

MFL MarMac Community School
Regular Monthly Minutes
August 13, 2018

The MFL MarMac Board of Education held its regular monthly board meeting on August 13, 2018, in the high school media center of the Monona schoolhouse.

President Roys called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Members present at roll call were Jonathon Moser, Gina Roys, Collin Stubbs, and Tonya Meyer. Josh Grau was telephonically attending. Absent at roll were Sharon Greener and Brian Meyer. Also present were Dale Crozier, Superintendent, Kathy Koether, Elementary Principal, Denise Mueller, Middle School Principal, and Cindy Koons, Board Secretary. Visitors were welcomed and recognized.

Motion by Moser, seconded by T. Meyer, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.

Motion by Grau, to approve the following consent items from the agenda:

  • Minutes from the July 16, 2018, board meeting and the July 17, 2018 board workshop.
  • Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $102,171.72; Capital Projects: $109,091.58; PPEL: $13,309.89; Clearing Account: $21,464.12; Food Service: $1,733.05; HAWC: $37,247.45; Little Bulldog Childcare Center: $2,620.91; Dr. Smith Childcare: $1,451.36.
  • The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report, and Food Service Report will be filed subject to audit.

Grau seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried.

Brian Meyer present at 7:05 p.m.

Dr. Withers and Director Pat Heiderscheit presented information on the positive relationships between our School Districts and the Area Education Agency services. A few of the services provided by Keystone AEA include speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, special education, printing and a large amount of media. Without the services offered to the local school districts, our students would not be able to benefit from these services.

Dr. Withers and Pat Heiderscheit left the meeting at 7:11 p.m.

Erica Nosbich and Kenneth Reimer, from Northeast Community College, presented information regarding the upcoming election for Northeast Iowa Community College on September 11, 2018, to renew the infrastructure levy to maintain the facilities.

Erica Nosbich and Kenneth Reimer left the meeting at 7:19 p.m.

Motion by T. Meyer, seconded by Moser, to approve the contract for Pat Wille, part-time Physical Education and part time Paraprofessional, Lisa Weigand, Paraprofessional, and Kyle Kirkestue, Head Boys Track Coach. The motion was unanimously carried.

Principal’s reports given.

Superintendent Report:

  • EMC will be doing a security safety audit on September 10th.
  • District is taking cost estimates for replacing exhaust fans in the gymnasium.
  • Discussion about whether the Board should continue to tour field house facilities in the near future.
  • Discussion regarding the overview of the several important pieces of legislation from the 2018 sessions.
  • The Physical Plant and Equipment Levy plan was reviewed.
  • Soil boring samples have started where the old swimming pool was buried to assess the feasibility of any future construction.
  • The classroom door locks are being assessed, so that the classroom doors can easily be locked from the inside.
  • Dr. Crozier and the School Board President will be presenting again this year at the Iowa School Board Conventions.

The next monthly board meeting will be held September 10, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at the high school media center in the Monona schoolhouse.

Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy Koons, Board Secretary