Board Minutes – 8-10-2020

Regular Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2020

The MFL MarMac Board of Education held its Regular Meeting in the High School Learning Commons of the Monona Schoolhouse on August 10, 2020.

President Roys called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. Members present: Gina Roys, Dr. Jon Moser, Tonya Meyer, Roberta Hass, Collin Stubbs and Josh Grau. Absent: Brian Meyer. Also present were Dr. Dale Crozier, Superintendent; Karla Hanson, Board Secretary; Larry Meyer, High School Principal; Denise Mueller, Middle School Principal; and Kathy Koether, Elementary Principal. Several teacher-guests and other guests were recognized and welcomed.

Motion by Dr. Jon Moser, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was carried unanimously.

Motion by Dr. Jon Moser, seconded by Roberta Hass, to approve the following consent items from the agenda:

  • Approval of July 13, 2020, Board Minutes
  • Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $19,572.22; Enterprise Fund: $0.00; Capital Projects: $7,260.15; PPEL: $22,685.71, Little Bulldog Childcare: $1,773.14; Dr. Smith Childcare: $31.70; HAWC: $0.90; Clearing Account: $5,206.78; Lunch:
  • The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report, and Food Service Report will be filed subject to audit.

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Dr. Jon Moser, to approve the following contracts, transfers, resignations and leaves:

  • Resignation of Jasen Thompson, Teacher
  • Resignation of Harry Larson, Bus Driver
  • Resignation of Bryar Ruff, MS Basketball Coach
  • Contract to Darla Keehner, Paraprofessional
  • Contract to Kristine Novey, Paraprofessional
  • Contract to Jan Stavroplus, Teacher
  • NCS Contracts: Ryan Martindale, Brandi Crozier, Part Time
  • Contract to Stephanie Michel, Assistant HS Volleyball
  • Contract to Jennifer Henkels, Cook

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Collin Stubbs, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to raise teacher substitute pay to $120 per day. Long term substitute pay will be $140 per day. Motion unanimously carried.

Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Dr. Jon Moser, to approve the Administrative Handbook revisions as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Dr. Jon Moser, seconded by Collin Stubbs, to approve the Return to Learn Plan as presented, knowing it may change and evolve. Motion carried unanimously.

The principals talked about the many changes being made to get ready for the upcoming school year. COVID19 pandemic related changes included, but are not limited to the following: 7:30 am student drop off available, re-arranging rooms, staggered lunch times, one-way hallway traffic, some teachers changing classrooms instead of students, finding alternative spaces for large classes, cancelling Meet the Teacher night and replacing it with a new student only orientation, nurses offices in both buildings have been modified.

Other activities have included participating in a local comprehensive needs assessment with Keystone in association with CTE teachers and the Perkins Grant, fall sports are currently scheduled to happen, teachers have been participating in “Ed Camps” throughout the summer, bathrooms in the middle school have been renovated, a new lift was installed in the McGregor small gym, the McGregor Center band room received new shelving.

Dr. Dale Crozier noted that the School Board Convention, where our district gets one vote on legislative policy, will be held virtually this year. EMC Insurance will be issuing a refund to adjust for the days that staff were not in the building and the deductible will be raised this year. Regarding his contract, he noted that the contract was the same as last year, however, it was corrected to be more transparent. He is currently in the second year of a three-year contract; his salary remains the same by his choice.

Dr. Crozier expressed his appreciation of the donations received for the Summer Feeding Program and noted a 1200.00 donation from Phil Reisweber. These funds were/will be used for items that are not normally offered to our students. He also talked about the Long-Range Strategic Plan and how many of the items listed five years ago, such as increased marketing, better communication, 1:1 technology, have come to fruition. Finally, the district will most likely join the natural gas pool to pay for natural gas from the management fund.

The Board President decided, at the end of the meeting, to allow our teacher-guests a unique opportunity to speak and ask questions of the Board, as the Board was aware that they were there for the Return to Learn Plan. Several teachers asked questions of the Board and superintendent/principals, and it was a healthy and positive discussion.

President Roys adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m.

The next board meeting will be held in the Monona Schoolhouse Learning Commons on August 10, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Karla Hanson – Board Secretary