Board Minutes – 6-5-2017 – Special Mtg.

MFL MarMac Community School
Special Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2017

The MFL MarMac Board of Education held a special board meeting on June 5, 2017, in the high school library in the Monona schoolhouse.

President Roys called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. Members present at roll call were Collin Stubbs, Gina Roys, Jon Moser via telecommunications, and Brian Meyer. Absent were Sharon Greener, Josh Grau and Tonya Meyer. Also present were Dale Crozier, Superintendent, and Brian Stark from Martin Gardner Architecture.

At 12:06 President Roys opened the Public Hearing for proposed baseball lighting project, plans, specifications, from of contract and estimated costs. No comments were given on the proposal. Motion was made by Stubbs, seconded by Meyer, to close the hearing.

Motion was made by B. Meyer, seconded by Stubbs, to approve the proposed plans, specifications and form of contract for high school baseball lighting project. Discussion was held that there would be six poles, and an additional electrical project for underground lighting. The motion was unanimously carried.

Motion by Stubbs, seconded by Moser, to receive and approve the lowest responsible and responsive bid from See Electric for $128,405.00. The motion was unanimously carried.

Motion by B. Meyer, seconded by Stubbs, to adjourn the meeting at 12:12p.m. The motion was unanimously carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dale Crozier, Acting Secretary