MFL MarMac Community School
Minutes for the Organizational and Regular Monthly Meetings December 14, 2020
The MFL MarMac Board of Education held its organizational and regular monthly board meeting on December 14, 2020, in the high school learning commons of the Monona schoolhouse.
President Roys called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm. Members present at roll call were Gina Roys, Brian Meyer, Tonya Meyer, Dr. Jon Moser, Roberta Hass, Josh Grau and Collin Stubbs. Also present were Dale Crozier, Superintendent, and Karla Hanson, Board Secretary. Visitors were recognized and welcomed.
Motion made by Dr. Moser and seconded by Josh Grau to approve the consent items from the agenda as follows:
- Minutes from the November 9, 2020, board meeting.
- Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $171,466.13; Capital Projects: $84,228.53; PPEL: $8,729.60; Clearing Account: $44,886.79; Food Service: $13,269.99; Little Bulldog Childcare: $10,238.08; Dr. Smith Childcare: $2,284.40
- The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report and Food Service Report will be filed subject to audit.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Motion by Collin Stubbs, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to accept the resignation of Al Thornton, MS Custodian, and to accept the contract for elementary paraprofessional, Hayley Muse. Al was recognized for his 26 years of service to the district and board members wished him well. The motion was unanimously carried.
Bruce Schultz, Community Insurance Company, presented a short presentation regarding the current insurance policy for the district. He detailed the amount of coverage for both centers, liability and replacement coverage, workman’s compensation and cyber protection for the district.
The board tabled the discussion about the updates to board policies until the January meeting.
The Board of Directors appointed Karla Hanson as temporary chair sine’ die.
Motion by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Roberta Hass, to appoint Gina Roys as President. Roll call vote: Ayes: Roberta Hass, Brian Meyer, Tonya Meyer, Dr. Jon Moser, Josh Grau, and Collin Stubbs. Nays: None. Abstain: Gina Roys. Nomination carried 6-0-1.
Motion by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Collins Stubbs, to appoint Roberta Hass as Vice-President. Roll call vote: Ayes: Tonya Meyer, Josh Grau, Brian Meyer, Dr. Jon Moser, Gina Roys, and Collin Stubbs. Nays: None. Abstain: Roberta Hass. Nomination carried 6-0-1.
Approval was made for the following appointments by the Board President.
- Karla Hanson as Secretary/Treasurer
- Lynch Dallas, Ahlers Law Firm and Schiller Law Office as legal council
- Dr. Crozier, Larry Meyer, Denise Mueller, and Kathy Koether as Level I Investigators
- Greg Schiller as Level II Investigator
- Depositories as follows: FreedomBank $4,000,000, Luana Savings Bank, $4,000,000 and Central State Bank, $1,000,000.
- Dr. Jon Moser to Clayton County Conference Board
- Josh Grau to Allamakee County Conference Board
- Dr. Jon Moser to Conference Board and IASB Delegate Assembly Representative
- Outlook will become the official newspaper for publications for 12 months beginning in January, 2021.
Denise Mueller reported that middle school sports resumed last week, Spirit Days have raised money for local charities, students have decorated windows at Great River Care Center, a food drive collected a large quantity of food and supplies for Shepard of the Hills and most importantly, staff and students have continued to stay relatively healthy within the pandemic.
Larry Meyer, also stated that the student and staff are healthy in the high school. The extra time over Thanksgiving was just what staff and students needed to recharge and prepare for the end of the 1st semester. Veteran’s Day program was done virtually, picture day happened (re-take day is scheduled for December 18), the dance team competed in Des Moines, basketball and wrestling are in full swing, IEP meetings continue to be held, the Christmas concert was being held December 14. Finally, the staff and students are looking forward to another visit from Kevin Honeycutt later this week.
Kathy Koether reported that some of the virtual learners in the elementary are planning to return to the classroom after the Christmas break, donations of hats, gloves and food are being collected, preschool verification reporting is in process, Luana Savings Bank donated $300 to be used to buy students winter gear, the Methodist Church and NEIA Food Bank continue to provide supplies and volunteer time to make snack packs for distribution to students – this is in addition to the meals delivered by the school on Wednesday.
Dr. Crozier recognized the fall sport coaches and commended them for the exemplary work they did in the uncharted waters of the Covid19 pandemic. The newsletter hit mailboxes last week, with the help of Cheri Moser. We expect to put out 2 or 3 more this year. Thank you notes from the family of Steve Becker and from retired teacher, Jasen Thompson, were read. Pixelette is being used to broadcast sporting events. The district is aware of some problems viewers are experiencing and is working to correct and/or provide alternative viewing options.
Dr. Crozier informed the board that the boiler in the middle school will definitely need to be replaced at a cost of approximately $40,000. A plan to replace older computers in the high school and the 2nd and 3rd grades is being developed. These devices will be leased and should set the district up for the next 5-6 years.
Inviting a student to sit on the board was discussed. This would be a non-voting position, but would provide an opportunity for the board to work closely with someone who represents the student body. The Return to Learn committee has been meeting and it was decided that classes will continue to run on the current in-school learning on Monday and Tuesday, virtual on Wednesday, and in-school on Thursday and Friday through January. Further evaluation will be done before a decision is made for the remainder of the year. And lastly, Roberta Hass, Dr. Moser and Dr. Crozier, participated in the virtual school board convention this year.
The next monthly board meeting will be held on January 11, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. in the Middle School Library in the McGregor Schoolhouse.
Meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karla Hanson