Board Minutes – 12-10-2018

MFL MarMac Community School
Regular Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2018

The MFL MarMac Board of Education held its regular monthly board meeting on December 10, 2018, in the high school conference room of the Monona schoolhouse.

President Roys called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm. Members present at roll call were Gina Roys, Josh Grau, Jonathon Moser, Brian Meyer, Tonya Meyer and Collin Stubbs (joined via telephone). Also present were Dale Crozier; Superintendent, Larry Meyer; High School Principal, Kathy Koether; Elementary Principal, representatives from North Iowa Times and Outlook newspapers, eleven students and one additional staff member. Guests were welcomed and recognized.

Motion by Moser and seconded by Grau to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.

Motion by Moser and seconded by T. Meyer to approve the following consent agenda items from the agenda:

  • Minutes from the November 12 Board Meeting
  • Bills against the distrist as listed: General Fund: $85,837.94; Management: $1,576.00; Enterprise: $960.00; Capital Projects: $9,786.56 PPEL: $42,093.87, Clearing: $41,749.41; Food Service: $16,648.61; HAWC: $41,743.94: Little Bulldog: $2,242.80; Dr. Smith: $869.01
  • The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report and Food Service Report will be filed subject to audit.

Motion by Moser, seconded by T. Meyer, to appoint Dr. Crozier to act as temporary on-going board secretary in the absence of Cindy Koons.

Motion by B. Meyer and seconded by Moser to approve request to the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) for Modified Supplemental Amount and Supplemental Aid for the 2019-20 Dropout Prevention Program, and approval of the plan, in the amount of $250,827.00 for expenditures necessary to implement the 2019-20 at-risk and dropout prevention program plan as approved by the MFL MarMac Community School District. Roll Call ayes: Stubbs, Grau, T. Meyer, B. Meyer, Roys, Moser. Motion carried.

President Roys tabled the IASB Convention discussion until the January meeting.

T. Meyer motioned, and B. Meyer seconded the motion, to accept the resignations of head cook, Julie Fuelling; and paraprofessional, DeeAnn McGlaughlin. Both of these people have served our district for many years and the board and superintendent noted their appreciation and wished them good luck in their future endeavors. The board also approved a food service contract for Celia Brown and an assistant softball contract for Patricia Wille.

High School Principal, Larry Meyer, discussed the MTSS (Multi-tiered system support) program that is currently in place within our district. Kathy Koether, Elementary Principal, was present to talk about the group of teachers and administrators who recently attended the Self Assessment for MTSS (SAMI) where they worked on action plans to implement and utilize MTSS. It was noted that MFL MarMac has met all of the goals with all three schools (elementary, middle and high) participating in the program.

Kathy Koether noted that the elementary concert will be Tuesday, December 18, and recognized all of the hard work being put in by the students and music teacher, Kathleen Ruhser, to prepare for the event.

Dr. Crozier discussed a process to implement a formal bidding process for local banks to place bids for CDs.

The heating system in the building built in 1912, which houses the practice wrestling room, storage and Kettlebell studio, failed recently and a new forced air furnace will be installed.

Dr. Crozier informed the Board on the following items:

  • That although test scores are strong and all goals have been officially met, we still struggle with socio-economic and special education gaps and we will still need to press forward in all areas.
  • Kevin Honeycutt who presented at the IASB convention, will present to rural schools at a largely reduced cost. The Board discussed the possibility of having him come to MFL MarMac to talk to students, staff and the community. His message, which was heard by three Board Members at the IASB Convention, was regarding the use of technology and how to stay abreast of the changes in a manner that would benefit the students and the district. While it would be nice to get him to come in the very near future, it may be best to schedule as far out as 2020, in order to take advantage of professional development time already scheduled.
  • Discussion of an early separation package. The board held a discussion and directed the superintendent to not offer an early separation package in 2019-20 for the teachers.
  • Possibilities for the 2019-20 school calendar and the mandatory August 23rd date as the earliest that school can begin. There was a discussion about whether or not to begin the school year on a Friday. Professional development time on Wednesday was discussed and it was suggested that a survey go out to teachers to get a better understanding of how they feel about the current schedule, as it has been approximately five years since the district has had the Wednesday early outs. Dr. Crozier will develop a survey and distribute it to the staff.
  • April 2nd could be an allowable date for an election to re-pass the PPEL, while the next allowable date is in June. The Board held a discussion that PPEL is extremely important to the infrastructure and on-going repair of the buildings and grounds. Dr. Crozier said that this would be a simple continuation of what is already in place. He informed the Board that he planned to have it on the agenda for January and that the Board can authorize an election at that time if it is their decision.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:49 pm by President Roys.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. Dale Crozier, Acting Board Secretary.