MFL MarMac Community School
Minutes for Regular Monthly Meeting
November 8, 2021
The MFL MarMac Board of Education held its regular monthly board meeting on November 8, 2021, in the high school learning commons of the Monona schoolhouse.
President Roys called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Members present at roll call were Gina Roys, Roberta Hass, Dr. Jonathon Moser, Brian Meyer, Josh Grau, Tonya Meyer and Collin Stubbs. Also present were Dr. Dale Crozier, Superintendent, and Karla Hanson, Board Secretary. Visitors were recognized and welcomed.
Motion made by Roberta Hass, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to approve the agenda as presented, except for moving the FFA presentation to December. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Jon Moser, to approve the consent items from the agenda as follows:
- Minutes from the October 11, 2021, board meeting.
- Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $131,788.71; Management: $946.00 Enterprise: $134,594.71; Capital Projects: $17,902.88; PPEL: $3,700.24; Clearing Account: $78,249.06; Food Service: $33,032.19; Little Bulldog Childcare: $3,700.24; Dr. Smith Childcare: $3,283.08.
- The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report and Food Service Report will be filed subject to audit.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Collin Stubbs, to accept the contract to James Trappe for bus driver, and the accept the resignation of Michael Driscoll from 7th grade girl’s volleyball. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to approve the 500 Policy Series as presented. This completes the reviews of all policy series. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Brian Meyer, to cast one vote for Dr. Bill Withers for Keystone Area Education Agency Board of Directors to represent District 3. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to approve the SBRC application request for increased enrollment in the amount of $65,829.40. Motion carried unanimously.
The marketing team presented options for Monona Commons Area – specifically replacing the existing trophy cases with wraps and installing a digital archive to house information of former students, staff, and events. The auditorium hallway was also discussed, as well as implementing an approved paint pallet to create an inviting and cohesive flow to the building which the community can be proud of. The McGregor center will be included in the process after the stucco painting project is completed. The board thanked the members of the marketing team and requested the group continue to move forward.
Principal Reports:
Kathy Koether reported the conferences were well attended again, the Book Fair will be later in the year, preschool verification process is going well and has moved to an online platform, the elementary will get to see the high school musical, Seussical, this week, curriculum directors and principals met in Des Moines and it was noted that our school is very much in line with other schools in the state, and MTSS meetings continue to be held.
Superintendent Report:
Dr. Crozier noted that a Covid Booster Shot clinic will be held at the school on November 10, Keystone has put out a memo discussing supply chain issues and the school has experienced problems already with getting food supplies, the Industrial Tech/Ag building and pool house have had the roofs replaced due to the September storm damage, the Professional Development Plan was discussed and the Board endorsed it as presented, there may be a need for an additional assistant wrestling coach and the Board approved the hiring if needed, NFHS will continue to provide televised coverage of activities to the community at no charge to them – thanks to Erik Peterson, the contract was reduced by $1,000, ACT average scores are 20.5 for the district, enrollment data per section was shared, and finally, the next round of strategic planning, which will probably be a 3 year program, was discussed.
The next monthly board meeting will be held on December 13, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. in the Learning Commons of the Monona High School.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karla Hanson, Board Secretary