Board Minutes – 10-16-2023


MFL MarMac Community School

Regular Meeting

October 16, 2023

The MFL MarMac Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors was held on October 16, 2023, in the Library of the McGregor Schoolhouse.

President, Gina Roys, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Members present at roll call Roberta Hass, Collin Stubbs, Dr. Jon Moser, and Josh Grau.  Absent were Tonya Meyer and Aaron Schroeder.    Also present were Tim Dugger; Superintendent and Karla Hanson; Board Secretary.  Visitors were recognized and welcomed.

The agenda was approved as presented.  Motion made by Roberta Hass, seconded by Josh Grau.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Josh Grau, to approve the consent items from the agenda as follows:

  • Minutes from the regular September 18, 2023.
  • Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $101,433.80, Management:  $1,330.00; Enterprise: $740.00; Capital Projects: $49,944.54, PPEL:  $36,323.17; Activity Account: $36,179.78, Food Service:  $32,105.68; Little Bulldog Childcare:  $12,849.65, Dr. Smith Childcare:  $6,670.93.
  • The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report and Food Service Report will be filed subject to audit.

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Collin Stubbs, seconded by Roberta Hass, to approve the following contracts and resignations:

Resignations:                     Denise Walch – Custodian

Loren Walch – Custodian

Abbey Cottrell – One year leave of absence from soccer coach

New Contracts:                 Delvin Schroeder – Transportation

Brian Bugenhagen – Co-head coach, girls basketball

Jess Schubert – Co-head coach, girls basketball

Mike Driscoll – Assistant girls basketball coach

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Jon Moser, to accept the changes and additions to the 300 series of board policies (includes Role of School District Administration, Administrative Structure, Superintendent, Administrative Employees, Policy Implementation, Administrator Code of Ethics, and Succession of Authority to the Superintendent), Policy No. 405.2 (Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection), Policy No. 405.8 (Licensed Employee Evaluation), Policy No. 501.3 (Compulsory Attendance), and Policy No. 505.8 (Parent and Family Engagement District-Wide Policy).  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Collin Stubbs, seconded by Roberta Hass, to approve the 2023-2024 Teacher Early Separation Plan as presented.    The last early retirement package was offered in 2019.  The number of early retirees will be capped at five.  Deadline to apply will be January 12, 2024.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Dr. Moser, to close the Trap Shooting account in the activity fund.  This group is now being conducted outside of the distict as a non-profit serving several school districts in the area.  The final amount in the account will be turned over to The Northeast Iowa Shooting Club (NEIASC).  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Collin Stubbs, seconded by Josh Grau, to approve the SIAC Membership Committee for 2023-2024 as presented.  Anyone else who would like to join, will be welcomed.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Dr. Moser, to approve the Certified Annual Report, Treasurer’s Report, Transportation Report and Special Education Supplement as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Dr. Moser, to approve the request and resolution for allowable growth and supplemental aid payment for a negative special education balance in the amount of $743,220.77 for the fiscal year 2023.  The final amount of the special education balance and amount of supplemental aid will be determined by the Department of Education after all special education balances have been reviewed.  Motion carried unanimously.


Larry Meyer, High School Principal, reported on the following:  interventions for approximately 15 kids per week are being conducted and we are seeing progress because of them, volleyball and cross country seasons are almost over, football continues with play off games being held at home, end of first quarter is October 19, the class of 1966 came for a tour, seniors went to Decorah for lunch and class pictures, Lifetouch came to take school pictures, ISASP scores were distributed, certified enrollment is complete, and the Veteran’s Day program will be held on November 9.

Denise Mueller, Middle School Principal, reported on the following:  basketball and wrestling will begin soon, former student, Andrew Zeeh, will be leading a Math Counts group, staff continues to work on safety scenarios, DC plans are in the works, Mr. Pape has been working with students doing hands-on STEM projects, and interventions continue to identify and help students be successful.

Abbey Cottrell, Assistant Elementary Principal, reported that fall field trips have happened, FAST tests are completed, Fire Safety Week was held and conference will be on November 7 and 9.

Tim Dugger, Superintendent, reports that the week of Thanksgiving will be a 2-day week, enrollment continues to increase, and that several board members will represent the school at the School Board Convention in DesMoines in November.

The next meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on November 20, 2023, in the Monona Schoolhouse Learning Commons.

President Roys adjourned the regular meeting at 6:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karla Hanson, Board Secretary