Board Minutes – 10-14-2024



MFL MarMac Community School
Regular Meeting
Monday, October 14, 2024

The MFL MarMac Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors was held on October 14, 2024, in the library
of the McGregor Schoolhouse.
President, Gina Roys, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present at roll call were Tonya
Meyer, Roberta Hass, Dr. Jon Moser and Josh Grau. Aaron Schroeder was present via telephone due to
work conflict. Danielle Schlake was absent. Also, present – Tim Dugger; Superintendent, Karla Hanson;
Board Secretary, and Student Board Member; Mattie Hallberg.
Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Dr. Moser, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried
Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to approve the consent items from the agenda as

● Minutes from September 16, 2024, Regular Board Meeting
● Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $66,858.35, Management: $0.00;
Enterprise: $.00; Capital Projects: $209,710.23; PPEL: $19,576.75; Activity Account:
$75,556.09, Food Service: $28,424.51, Little Bulldog Childcare: $5,662.19, Dr. Smith
Childcare: $1,655.71.
● The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report and Food Service Report will be filed subject to

The motion was unanimously carried.
Motion by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Aaron Schroeder, to approve the following:
Contracts:  Lexy Johnson, Elementary Teacher
Erica Collins, MS Paraprofessional
Rick Backes, MS Custodian
Karter Decker, MS Boys Wrestling Assistant
Summer Schutte, 7 th Grade Girls Basketball
Venessa Rose, Head Softball Coach
Marcy Krause, Part-time EL Teacher
Resignations: Bret Corlett, JV Baseball
Bret Corlett, HS Boys Track
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dugger talked to the Board about the proposed early retirement package for classified staff. This
has not been done in this district and the Board agreed that it is the right thing to do for our support
staff. Eligible staff must be 55 years old and have worked for the district for a minimum of 15 years.
Mr. Dugger will contact eligible employees. Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Josh Grau to approve
the classified staff early retirement package. Motion carried unanimously.

Karla Hanson gave a brief overview of the annual reports and stated that the audit went well with no
major findings reported at the time of the audit. Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Aaron Schroeder, to
approve the Certified Annual Report, Transportation Report and Special Education Supplement as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Dr. Moser, to approve the request and resolution for allowable
growth and supplemental aid payment for a negative special education balance in the amount of
$528,624.63 for the fiscal year 2024. The final amount of the special education balance and amount of
supplemental aid will be determined by the Department of Education after all special education
balances have been reviewed. Motion carried unanimously.
The Board discussed the 800 series of Board Policy which cover Business Procedures. Motion by Tonya
Meyer, seconded by Roberta Hass, to approve the first reading of the 800 series Board Policies and
move them to the 2 nd reading at the November meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to approve the second reading of the 200 Series (211
Open Meetings, 212 Closed Session, 212.1 Exempt Meetings, 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings,
213.1 Public Comments, 214 Public Hearings, 215 Board of Directors’ Records, 216.1 Association
Membership, 216.2 Development and Training, 216.3 Expenses, 217 Gifts, 218 Grievance Procedures,
and 218.E1 Grievance Form) as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
ISASP scores were reviewed by Jennifer Wilwert. The Board expressed their appreciation for the work
put into pulling this information together. These scores are reviewed on an annual basis.
Student Representative, Mattie Hallberg, stated that homecoming was a success, the Student Council
will present the Veteran’s Program this year, there will be a Holiday Carnival, and donations were taken
for those affected by the recent hurricanes.
Larry Meyer, High School Principal, reported on the following things happening in the high school: FFA
contests and fruit sales, safety team meetings, tornado and fire drills, financial aid meetings, picture day,
senior class pictures in Decorah, State reporting for certified enrollment, end of first quarter, UIC Vocal
Festival, conversations are happening with coaches about dual sport athletes.
Brett Jackson, Assistant MS Principal, reported that fall sports are wrapping up and reading and math
interventions are taking place.
Abbey Cottrell, Assistant Elementary Principal, talked about working on new math curriculum,
implementing a special education portal for parents, field trips, FAST testing is complete, interventions
are happening, and the updated behavior program has worked well so far this year.
Tim Dugger, Superintendent, told the Board that enrollment has been certified and numbers are down
slightly this year, AEA has recommended that the district get their calendars done early to help AEA
prepare for the needs of the districts and students, SIAC committee will meet on October 22, 2024.

President Roys adjourned the meeting at 7:09 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for November
11, 2024, at 6:00 in the Monona Schoolhouse.

________________________________________ _______________________________________
Gina Roys, President Date Karla Hanson, Board Secretary Date