MFL MarMac Community School
Regular Meeting
Monday, May 13, 2024
The MFL MarMac Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors was held on May 13, 2024, in the Learning Commons of the Monona Schoolhouse.
President Gina Roys called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present at roll call were Tonya Meyer, Roberta Hass, Aaron Schroeder, Danielle Schlake, and Josh Grau (by telephone due to work obligations). Also present Tim Dugger; Superintendent, Karla Hanson; Board Secretary and student board member, Mindy Keehner.
Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Roberta Hass, to approve the agenda as stated. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Danielle Schlake, to approve the consent items from the agenda as follows:
- Minutes from the April 15, 2024, Regular Board Meeting
- Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $66,385.89, Management: $618.00; Enterprise: $570.00; Capital Projects: $45,793.98; PPEL: $18,181.28; Activity Account: $57,577.73, Food Service: $37,806.01, Little Bulldog Childcare: $13,267.60, Dr. Smith Childcare: $1,627.69.
- The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report and Food Service Report will be filed subject to audit.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Motion by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Aaron Schroeder to approve the following:
Contracts: Jim Tripp – MS Wrestling
Anissa Rohde – HS Paraprofessional
Geraldine Winkler – Food Service
Bret Corlett – MS Football
Resignations: Jake Wilke – HS Football
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Roberta Hass, to approve the certified contracts as presented. It was noted that new teachers would be paid a minimum of $47,500 and teachers with 12 years’ experience receive $60,000, per HF2612. Motion carried unanimously.
President Roys opened the public meeting for the crow’s nest project at 6:04 p.m. Bids came back higher than originally anticipated. Much of this is because of having to meet State Fire Code. Brian Stark, Martin Gardener Architects, discussed the engineering behind such a tall, narrow structure. Motion by Aaron Schroeder, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to table this project until further information can be obtained in regard to the school’s financial cash flow and to look into reducing the cost of the structure. Motion carried unanimously. The open meeting closed at 6:40.
Melissa Haberichter and Jaydeane Berns updated the school board on the District Career Academic Plan. There has been more focus on work-based learning, reviewing the goals of the district, and FAFSA assistant to students and parents.
President Roys opened the Budget Amendment Hearing at 7:05 p.m. Mr. Dugger discussed the process of making sure the budget aligns with the expenditures. He noted that inflation and increased staffing created a shortfall in the original budget. President Roys closed the Budget Amendment Hearing at 7:07 p.m.
Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Josh Grau, to accept the amended budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Aaron Schroeder, seconded by Josh Grau, to approve the following sharing agreements: Human Resources with Central, Transportation Director with Postville, Social Worker with Keystone AEA. Motion carried unanimously.
The board reviewed the facility committee notes. They will meet again on May 15 and tour the Monona Center. The group is concentrating on a 4–5-year vision plan.
Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to approve the 1st and 2nd readings of the following policies:
1st Reading: 202.1 Qualifications
202.2 Oath of Office
202.3 Term of Office
202.4 Vacancies
202.5 Student School Board Representative
203 Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest
204 Code of Ethics
205 Board Member Liability
2nd Reading: 200.1 Organization of the Board of Directors
200.1R1 Organization of the Board of Director Annual Meeting Procedures
200.2 Powers of the Board of Directors
200.3 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
200.4 Board Member Social Media Engagement
201 Board of Directors Elections
Motion carried unanimously.
Mindy Keehner, Student School Board Representative, updated the board on the following: spring sports, officer voting, volunteer day/cleanup, spring awards, music, Ag showcase.
Larry Meyer, High School Principal reported on the following: public speaking showcase, MORE showcase, ISASP testing is complete, prom, safety drill requirements have been met, awards night, and the upcoming graduation ceremony.
Denise Mueller, Middle School Principal reported on the following: 8th grade graduation ceremony, variety show, honor choir, county art show, honor band, lunch with the Pork Producers, fieldtrips, spring sports, safety day at the fairgrounds, Eagle Bluff pizza fundraiser.
Mr. Dugger, Superintendent/Elementary Principal, talked about the 3rd grade trip to McGregor, fieldtrips, picnics, school board recognition month, and looking into implementing a behavior disorder program in the future.
President Roys adjourned the meeting at 7:22 p.m. The next regular meeting will be in the Monona Center at 6:00 p.m. on June 10, 2024.
Respectfully submitted,
Karla Hanson
Board Secretary