Board Minutes – 04-10-2023

MFL MarMac Community School
Regular Meeting and Public Hearing on 2023-2024 Budget
April 10, 2023

The MFL MarMac Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors was held on April 10, 2023, in the Learning
Commons of the Monona Schoolhouse.

President Gina Roys called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present at roll call were Gina
Roys, Roberta Hass, Aaron Schroeder and Dr. Jon Moser. Collin Stubbs, Tonya Meyer and Josh Grau
were absent. Also present were Dr. Dale Crozier; Superintendent, and Karla Hanson; Board Secretary.
Student Board Members, Mindy Keehner and Eric Grady were also present. Visitors were recognized
and welcomed.

Motion made by Dr. Moser, seconded by Roberta, to add a fourth item to the agenda – schedule a
budget amendment hearing for the May 2023 agenda – and to otherwise approve the agenda as stated.
Motion carried unanimously.

President Roys opened the public meeting for 2023-2024 Budget at 6:03 pm. No discussion was had.
Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Aaron Schroeder to close the public hearing on the 2023-2024
Budget. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Aaron Schroeder, seconded by Dr. Moser, to approve the consent items from the agenda as

● Minutes from the March 13, 2023, Regular Meeting.
● Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $104,866.31, Management: $40.00;
Enterprise: $975.00; Capital Projects: $41,872.18, PPEL: $28,444.45; Activity Account:
$34,282.59, Food Service: $23,028.18; Little Bulldog Childcare: $8,141.91, Dr. Smith
Childcare: $1,529.37.
● The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report and Food Service Report will be filed subject to

The motion was unanimously carried.

Motion by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Dr. Moser to approve the contracts, resignations and transfers as

Contracts: Dave Corlett – Assistant Golf
Zach Trudo – Assistant Baseball
Venessa Rose – JV Softball
Gene Gerndt – JV Softball
Brett Jackson – .3 FTE Assistant MS Principal
Abbey Cottrell – .8 FTE Assistant Elementary Principal

Resignations: Payton Miller – MS Science Teacher
Leslie Henkes – HS Student Council
Victoria Nelson – District Nurse
Angie Killian – Speech Coach

Transfer: Jake Wilke – HS Physical Education Teacher/SPED

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Roberta Hass, to approve the 2023-2024 Budget as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Aaron Schroeder, to set the Budget Amendment Hearing for May 8,
2023. This meeting will be held in the McGregor Library. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Aaron Schroeder, to approve changing the last day of school from
May 23 to May 26, 2023. Motion carried unanimously.

Mindy Keehner, Student Board Member, talked about the many things happening in the high school.
These include, but are not limited to the following: Legacy season is complete, FFA Banquet, six
students were selected to All State, Bulldog Brew (part of the MORE program) is now up and running,
band and choir participated in solo and ensemble contests, art students participated in a Virtual Art
Show, FOTA showcase, and Legacy will be hosting a Daddy Daughter Dance.

Dr. Crozier gave board members a list of projects that were prioritized by need and included estimated
costs. The list is quite long, but the board agreed that lighting in the south parking lot and fencing
around the elementary playground should be a priority. The district is fortunate that due to good
management practices, even though our facilities are old, they are in relatively good condition. Dr.
Crozier also talked about recent bank collapse issues in the country and feels confident that the district
funds are safe. The recent swatting (fake active shooter call to 911) incident gave light to the fact that
there is room to improve communication to staff during those types of incidents. He also mentioned
that EMC Liability insurance will see another increase.

The next meeting will be held in the McGregor Center Library on Monday, May 8, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

President Roys adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Karla Hanson, Board Secretary