Board Minutes – 04-05-2024



MFL MarMac Community School
Regular Meeting
Monday, April 15, 2024

The MFL MarMac Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors was held on April 15, 2024, in the Library of
the McGregor Schoolhouse.
President Gina Roys called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present at roll call were Tonya
Meyer, Roberta Hass, Aaron Schroeder, Danielle Schlake, Dr. Jon Moser and Josh Grau (by telephone
due to work obligations). Also present was Tim Dugger; Superintendent. Karla Hanson; Board Secretary,
was absent.
Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to approve the agenda as stated. Motion carried
Motion by Aaron Schroeder, seconded by Roberta Hass, to approve the consent items from the agenda
as follows:

● Minutes from the March 11, 2024, Regular Board Meeting
● Minutes from the March 26, 2024, Special Meeting – Budget Public Hearing
● Minutes from the March 26, 2024, Special Meeting
● Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $109,820.48, Management: $250.00;
Enterprise: $750.00; Capital Projects: $61,659.93; PPEL: $77,477.20; Activity Account:
$31,047.26, Food Service: $31,694.08; Little Bulldog Childcare: $4,533.65, Dr. Smith
Childcare: $1,761.81.
● The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report and Food Service Report will be filed subject to

The motion was unanimously carried.
Motion by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Danielle Schlake to approve the following:
Contracts:  Erik Peterson, Assistant Soccer
Travis Johnson, Assistant HS Wrestling
Kelly Winter, 8th Grade Volleyball
Tatum Wagner, Paraprofessional
Stephanie Wikner, Business Education Teacher
Resignations:  Lisa Weigand, Elementary Paraprofessional

Travis Johnson, MS Wrestling
Bret Corlett, MS Assistant Wrestling Coach
Jackie McGeough, HS Support Staff
Volunteer:  Brianna Werges, MS Track
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Aaron Schroeder, to go into open session at 6:02 p.m. for public
hearing of the 2024-2025 budget. No public comments. President Roys closed the open session at 6:03
Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to approve the FY25 Budget as presented. Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Dr. Moser, to give Brian Stark/Martin Gardner Architects approval
to request bids for the crow’s nest project. Bids are to be returned to Mr. Stark by May 8. The
completion date is estimated to be August 15. A new crow’s nest will be built with no changes to the
existing bleachers. Motion carried unanimously.
Summer projects were discussed – with primary focus on the removal of the stage in the Monona gym.
Erik Peterson presented a timeline with estimated costs. After lengthy discussion, Dr. Moser made a
motion, seconded by Danielle Schlake, to move forward with the projects as stated. A roll call vote was
taken – Tonya Meyer, voted no. Yes votes were Gina Roys, Jon Moser, Roberta Hass, Aaron Schroeder,
Danielle Schlake and Josh Grau. Motion carried.
Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Aaron Schroeder, to approve the calendar update to make the final
day May 22, 2024, with a 2:20 dismissal. Teachers will have a workday on May 23, 2024. Motion carried
Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Dr. Moser, to approve the 1st and 2nd readings of the following
1st Reading: 200.1 Organization of the Board of Directors

200.1R1 Organization of the Board of Director Annual Meeting Procedures
200.2 Powers of the Board of Directors
200.3 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
200.4 Board Member Social Media Engagement
201 Board of Directors Elections
2nd Reading: 102.E6 Anti-Bullying Disposition Form
102.R1 Grievance Procedure
104.E1 Anti-Bullying Complaint Form
104.E2 Anti-Bullying Disclosure Form
104.E3 Anti-Bullying Disposition Form
105 Assistant Animals
105.1 Professional Therapy Dogs
105.1E1 Dog Checklist
105.1E2 Dog Documentation
409.2 Licensed Employee Military Service

Motion carried unanimously.
Middle School Principal, Denise Mueller reports that track is underway, state testing has started, 8th
grade graduation is being planned, and the Eagle Bluff trip was once again a success.

Larry Meyer, High School Principal, stated that Dance and Legacy tryouts of happened, Senior Reality
Day was well attended, Induction of 16 new members to National Honor Society and graduation will be
at 2:00 on May 19.
The board watched the video that was shared on social media of the distracted driving event.
Mr. Dugger, Elementary Principal and Superintendent, said that the reading month has started, third
grade state testing is being done, Kindergarten Roundup was well attended, and many field trips are
planned for the end of year.
Legislative update: Many things remain undecided as the session ends, more guidance is needed from
the State on the AEA funding, special education, professional development and the new AEA board of
directors. Teacher salary information has been set and the SSA, but nothing for support staff yet.
Board members took a tour of the McGregor Center to start discussions regarding future updates that
need to be considered. The facilities committee will meet on April 17.
President Roys adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. The next regular meeting will be in the Monona
Center at 6:00 p.m. on May 13, 2024.

Respectfully submitted,
Karla Hanson
Board Secretary