MFL MarMac Community School
Minutes for Public Hearing for Plans and Specifications for Elementary Addition and
Regular Monthly
February 14, 2022
The MFL MarMac Board of Education held its regular monthly board meeting on February 14, 2022, in
the high school learning commons of the Monona schoolhouse.
President Roys called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Members present at roll call were Gina Roys,
Roberta Hass, Dr. Jonathon Moser, Aaron Schroeder, Josh Grau, and Tonya Meyer. Collin Stubbs was
absent. Also present were Dr. Dale Crozier, Superintendent, and Karla Hanson, Board Secretary. Visitors
were recognized and welcomed.
A Public Hearing was held at 6:02 regarding the plans and specifications and budget for the elementary
restroom remodel and addition project. Roll call vote, all ayes, to close the meeting at 6:06 pm.
Motion made by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Aaron Schroeder, to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Tonya Meyer, seconded by Roberta Hass, to approve the consent items from the agenda as
● Minutes from the January 10th, 2022, board meeting.
● Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $127,048.51, Management: $3,536.82
Enterprise: $1,590.00, Capital Projects: $46,304.55, PPEL: $29,000.04 Clearing Account:
$38,211.94 , Food Service: $ 26,399.56; Little Bulldog Childcare: $6,337.83; Dr. Smith
Childcare: $1,507.15.
● The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report and Food Service Report will be filed subject to
The motion was unanimously carried.
Motion by Dr. Moser, seconded by Tonya Meyer to accept the bid from Brenton Builders for the
elementary restroom remodel and addition for $1,189,000.00. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Dr. Moser, to accept the following contracts: Karla Schrader, High
School Secretary; Amanda Goltz, Elementary Paraprofessional; Kylie Sandstrom, HS Girls Track; Mike
Meyer, Assistant Golf; and Eric Koenig, HS Track Co-Coach and to approve hours and benefits reduction
for Brandi Crozier. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Aaron Schroeder, to authorize the district’s administration to
submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee in the amount of $28,908.00 for funding
related to FY 22 Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program (SWVPP). Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Dr. Moser, to approve the School Advisory Committee. Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Dr. Moser, to waive the 90 day deadline for athletic eligibility for an
open enrolled student. Motion carried unanimously.
Dr. Crozier addressed basic elements of the 2023 budget, and President Roys authorized the budget
hearing to be held on March 14th , 2022.
Administrative Reports:
Larry Meyer, High School Principal, Denise Mueller, Middle School Principal and Kathy Koether,
Elementary Principal talked about building issues, the full swing of winter activities, and working through
Covid, with a hopeful end in sight.
Dr. Crozier thanked the Gruber Foundation for an additional $14,500.00 toward trap shooting materials,
thanked Norplex Micarta for the $1,000.00 donation for STEM materials, thanked the class of 2008 for
the $500.00 donation of the music amplifier in memory of Dallas Thompson, and a $1,900.00 donation
from the Thompson family for the fine arts programs. He also recognized a thank-you from Robin and
Terry Lang for the memorial from the district, thanked Ryan Martindale for obtaining $95,000.00 in
additional funding for technology through Universal Services, and recognized the fine performances of
all winter athletics and fine arts activities from our students.
Dr. Crozier also discussed a joint athletic conference superintendent meeting between the Upper Iowa
and Northeast Iowa Conferences, discussed elements Future Ready Iowa, discussed physical plant and
equipment purchases. Dr. Crozier also discussed the 2023 school calendar with the Board, discussed the
current developments with the 2022 Strategic Plan, and reviewed the plan to have asynchronous virtual
days if we have more than two no-school days due to weather.
Meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karla Hanson
Board Secretary