Board Minutes – 01-23-2023


MFL MarMac Community School
Regular Meeting
January 23, 2023

The MFL MarMac Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors was held on January 23, 2023, in the
Learning Commons of the Monona Schoolhouse.

President Gina Roys called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present at roll call were Roberta
Hass, Aaron Schroeder, Collin Stubbs, Josh Grau and Dr. Jon Moser. Tonya Meyer joined the meeting at
6:06 p.m. Also present were Dr. Dale Crozier; Superintendent, and Karla Hanson; Board Secretary.
Visitors were recognized and welcomed.

Motion made by Dr. Moser, seconded by Roberta Hass to approve the agenda as presented. Motion
carried unanimously.

Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Collin Stubbs, to approve the consent items from the agenda as

● Minutes from the December 12, 2022, Regular and Organizational Meeting, Minutes
from the January 10, 2023, Special Meeting and Minutes from the January 16, 2023,
Closed Meeting.
● Bills against the district as listed: General Fund: $198,856.34, Management: $287.35;
Enterprise: $3,101.48; Capital Projects: $86,939.60, PPEL: $48,412.14; Activity Account:
$76,860.24, Food Service: $16,154.31; Little Bulldog Childcare: $4,002.04, Dr. Smith
Childcare: $1,356.71.
● The Secretary’s Report, Activity Report and Food Service Report will be filed subject to

The motion was unanimously carried.

Eric Grady, a junior who is participating the MORE program, gave a presentation to the Board about the
career fair that he organized and promoted. It provided students with an opportunity to see different
career opportunities. Seventeen booths were set up by local organizations, the most popular being the
construction simulator. The Board thanked Eric for the presentation and looks forward to hearing from
him again as he is planning to organize an even greater event next year.

Motion by Roberta Hass, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to approve the Superintendent/Elementary
Principal contract for Tim Dugger as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Collin Stubbs, seconded by Aaron Schroeder, to approve the resignations of custodians Chris
Funk and David DeMaio. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Josh Grau, seconded by Collin Stubbs, to approve the updates to Board Policies 500.10 and
500.11 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Aaron Schroeder, seconded by Tonya Meyer, to set the public hearings for FY24 Calendar and
FY Budget for March 13, 2023, at the Regular Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.


Student Board Member Report: Emme Schroeder reported that the high school is very busy with Senior
nights, Speech Contests, Legacy competitions, Dorian Festival, Wrestling, Basketball, and Student
Council Conference.

High School Principal Report: Larry Meyer talked about ISU interviewing students about walkways
through the towns in our district, two students have signed letters of intent with colleges (one for
bowling and one for golf), new classes have been added to the schedule (Digital Media Design,
Entrepreneurship, and Internship).

Elementary Principal Report: Kathy Koether reported the Fast testing has begun, the 100th day should be
on February 3 unless we have more snow days, reading month will have a rodeo theme, library visits will
begin soon, dyslexia will be the topic for upcoming professional development, social/emotional wellbeing will be the topic for the February 10 in-service, cancelling four PD early out days has the potential to make up one snow day, and construction continues to progress in the elementary.

Superintendent Report: Dr. Crozier recognized Kathy Koether’s many years in education. He also
discussed the possibility of paying off the auditorium early. Projects to consider are modifying the stage,
courtyard renovation, weight room equipment upgrades, trim on the MS building, scoreboard
advertising changes, new scoreboard in the gym, and fencing. The Board authorized him to work with
the architect and develop plans as needed. The Governor’s voucher program was also discussed.

The next meeting will be held in the Monona Center Library on Monday, February 13, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

President Roys adjourned the meeting at 6:34 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karla Hanson
Board Secretary